
Thursday, 11 October 2012

In The Beginning

You shouldn't be defined by one thing, you should define it.

I am currently a student of the fabulous world of fashion, attempting to learn the in and outs of it. But that isn't everything that defines me. I also consider myself a friend, blogger, employee, daughter, photographer, well-wisher and girlfriend.

My life tends to revolve around two things right now. This being University and work. Money is the drive of everything we do in life. We need it to pay for the meal we just had, or those shoes we are saving so desperately to buy. The famous phrase "Money doesn't buy you happiness" may mean well in trying to teach us to be kind and polite but really if you have no money, you have no power. 

This relates to myself very well. I'm a stress-er. I find that if I don't have things organised and planned to how I want them it really freaks me out. I cannot stand not having enough money in my back account to be able to afford the food or clothes that I want to buy that month. Which brings me to my life right now; as a skint student I tend to struggle with this issue quite a bit, especially as my student loan is at a bit of a stand still...

But sure enough this will soon be fixed with extra savings kicking in and my obsession with shopping reappearing once more. My anxiety about money will be suppressed for a little while longer and no doubt I will replace it with worries over UNI work and deadlines which are beginning to loom already. 

This blog will act as a diary if you wish to call it that, a way I can escape from my worries and let them out calmly - rather than having a total breakdown. So if you are as nosey as I am feel free to keep reading all about my average life. I cant promise it will be anything like those shows you see on TV but I may give you some reassurance for your own life problems or maybe even a chuckle or two. 

Parlerai bientôt, 
L'amour de J.  

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