I fully understand as a student I don't exactly have a lot of things to worry about, mostly about what I am going to wear on a night out or what to have for tea. But there are some more serious thing that us students do have to think about. Mainly these being money and work related. I spend all of my free time doing some form of Uni work or at my actual work.
I literally only have around one day off a week. So this poses the question how much additional work should we do along side our studies?
From a little research on google it seems that the maximum tends to be around twenty hours during full time education. Now I understand that some people may find this an easy amount of hours to do, I however really struggle with fitting this in with studies and having at least some form of a social life. So much so I stand by the fact that I am some how making myself ill.
Take a leaf from my book and take some time off to pamper yourself. The worst thing you can do is over work yourself.
Parlerai bientôt,
L'amour de J.